We are excited to see your family is considering Mt. Calvary Lutheran School. Below are steps to help you through the admissions processes. We look forward to meeting you!
Additional information will be requested at the time of your inquiry:
Birth Certificate – As evidence of age, the school requires an original copy of the birth certificate or other acceptable evidence of birth date. The school will make a copy of the document and return the original to you.
Transcripts and Test Results – If this application is for the elementary grades, please attach a copy of the most recent standardized test results (achievement test) and a copy of the most recent grade report card to the paper application. Hand deliver or mail in the application.
Assessment Exam Results – For admission into Kindergarten, we require evidence of readiness based on the result of the Chancey and Bruce Test. For all other grade levels, we administer a grade appropriate placement exam.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Mt. Calvary Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, color, disability, nationality, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies and other school administered programs.
All new students are required by state law to show evidence of having had proper dosages of DPT, Polio, Hepatitis B, and MMR inoculations.
Kindergarten – First Grade
To be eligible for kindergarten, the child must be five years old by September 1st of the current school year; or the child must be six years old by September 1st for first grade. All prospective kindergarten students will be given a test to assess their developmental skills in the areas of motor coordination, visual and auditory perception, and language development to determine readiness for kindergarten. Also, a readiness test will be administered to all prospective first grade students. A copy of the child’s birth certificate, all required immunizations and health screening forms and fees must be presented before a student is officially accepted.
Behavioral, financial and academic requirements need to be met first before students can be considered for enrollment or re-enrollment.
Children are eligible for enrollment in the following order of preference:
- Returning students who are members of Mt. Calvary.
- Returning students who are not members of Mt. Calvary.
- Siblings of current students.
- Mt. Calvary members.
Grades Second through Eighth
Students transferring to Mt. Calvary Lutheran School are accepted based on teacher referral, transcript of records, and testing. Mt. Calvary Lutheran School is not intended to serve as a disciplinary school or a school for exceptional children. Such cases need specialized care that this school is not able to furnish.
Behavioral, financial and academic requirements need to be met first before students can be considered for enrollment or re-enrollment.
Children are eligible for enrollment in the following order of preference:
- Returning students who are members of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church.
- Returning students who are not members of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church.
- Siblings of current students at Mt. Calvary Lutheran School and Preschool.
- Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church members.
All enrollments are for a one-year term and pre-registration is necessary for re-admittance for all students each year. Re-enrollment forms will be available to parents of enrolled students in the early months of the new school calendar year. This form should be returned immediately with the required registration fee. Registration fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.
Acceptance of returning students will depend upon the following:
- Practice of good Christian citizenship and cooperation with faculty and staff members in all behavior and academic areas.
- Completion of daily assignments and academic performance (see Academic Standards).
- Behavioral record during the past year.
- Attendance and tardiness.
Application forms will be available to parents of non-enrolled children who are interested in acquiring a Christian education for their children. All new pupils in grades one through eight will be tested before consideration for acceptance will be made. Grade placement will depend upon the child’s achievement level.