The Light of Christ

Light is all around us!

We experience wonderful sunlight here in Southern California as the Los Angeles area averages around 329 days of sunshine per year.  We find many businesses that are opened 24 hours per day, thus providing a great deal of man-made light keeping operations going. At night it is often difficult to see the stars in the sky due to the predominance of artificial light across the SoCal region.

We also have many light-producing items in our homes and workplaces:

  • Candles
  • Fireplaces (both indoor and outdoor)
  • Fancy chandeliers
  • Flashlights
  • The many screens on our electronic devices
  • Security lights—both inside and outside

And my favorite, because it is so convenient – the cell phone flashlight!

On January 6th, we celebrated the Day of Epiphany in the Christian Church, which commemorates the arrival of the Wise Men coming to visit Jesus. Contrary to a number of Christmas card photos, and many a Children’s Christmas program—the wise men were not at the manger soon after Jesus was born. They finally arrived in Bethlehem when Jesus was about two years old. They followed the star placed in the sky on Christmas night, and following a long journey from the East, became the first non-Jewish people to see the Son of God here on this earth.

Christ came into the world and defeated the darkness of sin, death and the power of the evil one.  He came and lived a perfect life among us, and then died to save us from our sins giving us the gift of eternal life. The light of Christ overcame the darkness of this world. Christ is light, and in Him there is no darkness!

Our response then is to be light!  We are called to reflect the love of Christ in our life to others.  We are called to share our faith with others by offering spiritual insight and support; and we are to bring the light of Christ to the world around us as we serve others in the Name of Jesus.

May your New Year be filled with the light of Christ every day in 2020.

Dr. Steven Christopher
