Here is important information about our annual school picture day for Mt Calvary Preschool and Elementary School:
- The date will be Friday—September 18th
- K-8 Elementary School will have only a half–day of instruction that day. SAC will stay open until 6:00 pm
- The photographer will set-up on the stage in the Gym—so that we can all maintain proper social distancing, and facemasks will be required (except when you are in front of the camera).
- All K-8 students will be required to wear their MCL uniform.
- Students here on campus for SAC On-line Learning Support will be photographed that morning starting at 9:30 am.
- Preschool children will be photographed starting at 10:00 am.
- All off-campus K-8 students will get their picture taken between 12:30—3:00 pm.
- All pictures would be made by appointment electronically. Each family selects a time that works for them. Appointments will be set up and managed through Ultimate Exposures, our contracted photography company. Each K-8 MCL Family will receive an email directly from the photography company with instructions of how to make their appointment(s).
- Lower grade families can schedule to get their picture taken as they come to get their packets/return packets. Upper Grade students will come to campus during their picture appointment time. Families with multiple children can schedule their times together.
- Proofs will be sent via email to each MCL home. Purchases would be made directly through the photography company.
- Teachers and staff will get their pictures taken as well, as time and schedule allows during the course of the day.
We know this is a different way to do school pictures—but, it is a different kind of year. Thanks for your flexibility and understanding. We know that together we can make this happen in a smooth and seamless manner. If you have any questions, call Ann in the MCL Office at 909-861-2740
Dr. Steven Christopher