15 03 / 2021

Welcome Back 7th & 8th Grade

2021-03-18T19:30:36-07:00March 15th, 2021|COVID19 NEWS, MCL School News|

Welcome Back 7th & 8th Grade! March 15, 2021 Mt Calvary Lutheran School is pleased to announce that we will welcome back students in Grades 7 & 8 to our campus this coming Wednesday, March 17th. Now that Los Angeles County has achieved “Red Tier” status, Middle School and High School students are allowed back on campus. A number of protocols will need to be followed, which will [...]

28 02 / 2021

Grades 3-6 Back to School Reopening Plan

2021-02-28T13:59:54-08:00February 28th, 2021|COVID19 NEWS, MCL School News|

Grades 3-6 Waiver Reopening Plan The Mt Calvary Re-Opening Plan for Grades 3-6 in the midst of the 2020-21 school year incorporates Health Order Guidelines from the County and State, gives consideration of current Best Practices for health management in schools, and assures a fluid delivery of our MCL Curriculum and Program Operations. As we move forward, our guidelines for a return to school on March 1, 2021, for [...]

10 12 / 2020

Waiver Approved for the Return of Grades K-1-2 to MCL Campus

2021-02-28T13:56:26-08:00December 10th, 2020|COVID19 NEWS, MCL School News|

Waiver Approved for the Return of Grades K-1-2 to MCL Campus Our K-1-2 Waiver has been approved!  We are very excited to receive this approval from the Los Angeles Country Department of Public Health. We will now be able to re-open our campus in a limited capacity to students in these grades. Our teachers and office staff have begun the planning process so that all safety measures, schedules, [...]

17 08 / 2020


2020-08-20T12:38:26-07:00August 17th, 2020|COVID19 NEWS, MCL School News, Uncategorized|

DAY CARE FOR ONLINE SCHOOL Our Church Council has approved the conversion of our Summer Day Camp into a Fall Student Day Care offered only to MCL families who need supervised care for their school aged children, ages 5-14, before and after school, as well as supervision for them while they attend class on-line form 8 am -3 pm. Here are some of the details: Families would pay a [...]

12 08 / 2020


2020-08-20T12:38:14-07:00August 12th, 2020|COVID19 NEWS, MCL School News|

SPECIAL NOTICE - We Are Opening Online Dear MCL Families, Every day, there seem to be new developments as we move toward the start of instruction later this month. Here is the latest news… Wavier Denied   We were recently informed by our contact in the LA County Health Department that our request for a special waiver to hold K-8 school on-campus has been denied.  LA County is not granting [...]

7 08 / 2020


2020-08-19T18:58:20-07:00August 7th, 2020|COVID19 NEWS, MCL School News|

SPECIAL NOTICE - Back to School Plan Mt. Calvary Lutheran School The Mt Calvary Re-Opening Plan for the 2020-21 school year incorporates Health Orders Guidelines from the County and State, gives consideration of MCL Grade Level Enrollment, and our Curricular and Programmatic Operations.  As we move forward, our guidelines when approval is granted, for a return to school by the State of California or local Health Agency are [...]

28 07 / 2020

SPECIAL NOTICE – July 23, 2020

2020-08-19T18:58:50-07:00July 28th, 2020|COVID19 NEWS, MCL School News, Preschool News|

Dear Mt Calvary Families, There is a great deal of discussion going on around us with regard to children returning to school this fall.  We hear the news reports about the continuing spread of Covid-19, and we try to discern what is the best path forward concerning the safety and health of our children, as well as what is best for them in terms of schooling and instruction. A [...]

4 07 / 2020


2020-08-19T18:59:14-07:00July 4th, 2020|COVID19 NEWS, MCL School News|

Thinking Ahead to August Much discussion has taken place recently on the public airwaves regarding concerns related to reopening businesses and other venues. We have seen shifts regarding the use of facemasks when out in public and other changes in guidelines for associating in groups.  In spite of all the discussion, like other schools in California, we do not know exactly what the public health status of our community [...]

6 04 / 2020

MCL COVID-19 Update #4 · 4/03/2020

2020-08-19T18:59:42-07:00April 6th, 2020|COVID19 NEWS, Event News, MCL School News, Preschool News, Uncategorized|

Email sent Fri, Apr 3, 2:24 PM SPECIAL NOTICE Our Mt Calvary Lutheran Church Council recently voted to extend our current practice of distance education for Grades K-8, through the rest of this academic year.   This decision was based upon:  The ongoing concern for the health and well-being of our MCL students and their families, and the recognition that one of the most helpful things we can be [...]

22 03 / 2020

MCL COVID-19 Update #3 · 3/20/2020

2020-08-19T19:00:45-07:00March 22nd, 2020|COVID19 NEWS, Event News, MCL School News, Preschool News, Uncategorized|

Email sent Mar 20, 2020, 1:19 PM SPECIAL NOTICE Following the order of LA County and the Governor, we will not be operating school on campus at Mt Calvary for some time. LA County announced a “Safer at Home” order until April 19th and the Governor’s Order gave no specific ending time. What does this mean for MCL? We will continue the delivery of our curriculum for the [...]

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